Let's make some warm and ( just the right amount of ) spicy mulled cider using Todd's mulling spice! This recipe is super simple, all the spice you need is in our mulling spice mix!
Supplies you'll need:
Medium sized slow cooker (we used a 4 quart)
Ladle for serving
Mugs for serving
Yummy garnishes:
Cinnamon Sticks
Orange slices
Star of Anise

Add 1 Gal Apple Cider to slow cooker

Add 1/3 packet Mulling Spices (about 2 heaping Tbsp.) *Add more to taste for more flavor!

Optional: Add garnishes Cinnamon Sticks, Orange Slices, Cloves

Stir & cover, heat on HIGH for 30-40 mins. or until hot, stirring occasionally
Turn down to LOW
Serve in heat-safe mugs or cups

Optional "Adult" Variation: Add 1-2 oz. bourbon or rum per mug AFTER heating to prevent alcohol evaporation (do not bring to boil)